Mothers serve one of the most essential roles in all of human culture — and this has been the case throughout human history. From Eve, humanity’s first mom, down the line, there are powerful examples of motherhood that should inspire us all.
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But just because mothers inspire us and are powerful examples, doesn't mean they don't need our prayers in order for them to have the strength to do their job! Mother's Day is the perfect time to share a prayer for our mothers and give thanks for all they've done in our lives.
As we prepare to honor moms everywhere this Mother’s Day, let’s explore some powerful invocations of thanksgiving and strength.
Here are five encouraging prayers for mothers:
A Prayer for Mothers: Thanksgiving
Dear Lord, thank you for my mother [or an example of a good mother in your life]. She is always loving, encouraging and providing for her children and those around her. She serves as a wonderful example of what it means to nurture and live out love for those around her. I ask that you guide her with your wisdom as she carries on along Your path. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Moms are real-life superheroes. Many women as mothers struggle through difficult balancing acts to provide and care for their families. But their effort and perseverance to balance it all deserves recognition. They deserve our admiration and thanks.
READ ALSO: 15 Bible Verses to Encourage Mothers on Mother’s Day & Beyond
Among encouraging prayers for mothers, it’s important to remember to thank God for the amazing women in our lives. So, take a moment to say a prayer to thank the Lord for the good moms in your life.
And if you're looking for more inspiration for mothers, consider streaming, “Full Of Grace,” “The Book of Ruth,” the series "Daughters of Eve" — and, for the kids, "VeggieTales: Esther...The Girl Who Became Queen." These empowering movies and more are available with a free trial to Great American Pure Flix right now.
An Encouraging Guidance Prayer for Mothers
Lord, I just want to lift up [name of mother] to you. Please give her Your wisdom and guide her along her path as a [wife, mother, sister and friend]. I ask that You’d help her by providing strength, encouraging her and guiding her as she finds balance in her life. God, I truly value her and I pray that You’d help her be the mother and woman You’d like her to be. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Sometimes, when we pray we often forget to ask for prayers of intercession on others' behalf, including praying for our mothers and friends who are mothers. Whether you’re a mom or you simply want to uplift and encourage the mothers around you, prayer is one of the best tools you can rely on. Consider saying this prayer — or one like it — for the mothers around you.
READ ALSO: 5 Amazing Mothers in the Bible Who Teach Truly Timeless Lessons
Mother’s Day Prayer: Prayer for Single Moms
God, please come alongside [single mother’s name]. Being a single parent can be difficult. Please grant her peace, patience and Your love and guidance as she raises her child [or children]. Please be with her each day as she does the work of two people on her own. Thank You for [woman’s name] and for Your blessings over her life. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Don’t forget to offer invocations for any of the single moms in your life. As you’re pondering your Mother’s Day prayers, keep in mind the fact that these parents often work double time and have a great deal of responsibility on their plates. Acknowledging their hard work and dedication to their family will mean a great deal to these mothers. This time of year offers a wonderful reminder to ask God to guide and help them, as well as show our appreciation for them.
READ ALSO: What the Bible Teaches Us About a Mother’s Love
Encouraging Prayers for a Mother in Pain
Lord, please help [mother’s name], as she is facing some difficult challenges. Please bring her and her family guidance and bring her Your supernatural peace. As she mourns [and/or struggles], please encourage her and show her that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Please guide her family and loved ones as well. In Jesus name, amen.
Parenthood is an amazing joy, though it can also — at moments — be painful and challenging. This encouraging prayer for mothers can be sent up whenever a parent - mother or father - is struggling. Perhaps there’s been a difficult event, an illness or insurmountable stress surrounding their parenthood lately. Either way, this prayer can be an encouragement that asks for God to be there with them through the trials and tribulations.
Mother's Prayer for Guidance
Lord, please help me to raise this child [or these children] with You in mind. Help me to teach them the right values and to raise them up to love You, to seek Your heart and to embark on the path that You have laid before them. God, please help me along the path, even as I face difficult patches and navigate uncharted waters. Thank you for the gift of motherhood — and for Your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Perhaps you’re a mother who is looking for God’s help as you navigate the ups and downs that come with parenthood. This encouraging prayer for moms (and dads) can help you focus on seeking God as you make difficult choices. Raising a child isn't easy work! This prayer asks the Lord to guide us as we raise His children and make sure they learn to love and come to know our Father.
As we approach Mother’s Day, be sure to check on the mothers you know in your life. Offer them encouragement and show them appreciation for their dedication to their family.
Great American Pure Flix has a ton of movie and shows that can encourage and inspire those going through the ups and downs of motherhood. Don't miss your free trial to Great American Pure Flix to start streaming today!