America is facing a time of unrest, grief, anger, sadness, and fear — and as the nation grapples with these complex emotions, we are called back to Jesus' greatest commands: Love God and love others.
We see Christ lay out these proclamations in Matthew 22:36-40 when the Pharisees asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Here's how he responded:
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
So, as we navigate the waters of these difficult and challenging times, let's explore some powerful prayers for strength and healing that we can offer for one another and for our country right now:
Prayer for God's Lenses
Jesus' command that we love God and others calls us to see the world as He does. This is a tall order, but embedded in the process is an ability to see people the way the Lord does.
The following is a personal prayer for clarity that we all need right now:
Lord, please guide me and help me to see others as You do. Rather than taking my cues from the culture around me or from other people, please clear the fog of chaos and allow me to see every man, woman and child the way You do. You created us all in Your image, and I ask that You open my heart and mind and allow me to see people in the same light. Please bring us healing. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
A Prayer for Justice
"Justice" is a word on the minds of many these days — and it's an essential area in which we need to be praying:
Lord, we know You are a God of justice. We pray that You would bring justice for everyone involved in this situation. We pray for justice for George Floyd and his family. We pray for justice surrounding the treatment of all Americans, and we pray for justice amid any other crimes surrounding this situation. Please help us to see justice through Your eyes, and we pray for all those making decisions in this arena — that You would guide them. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
A Prayer for Peace & Unity
We desperately need prayers for peace and unity right now. Consider taking a moment to start the day or end it with an invocation for God to heal our land:
Lord, I know You are the author of peace, love and goodness. Yet we see so much hatred, chaos and instability around us. God, I just pray for peace and unity in our nation, in my state and in my town/village/city. Please temper minds and reach hearts; please reach people in their deepest need and help them to feel the profound peace only You can offer. Lord, we need revival and peace. Please shower our land with it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for Our Leaders
Our mayors, governors and federal leaders need our prayer, especially as they deal with the tough decisions and situations unfolding in locations across the nation. Prayer isn't something we offer only to those we agree with; invocations are meant for all. Let's take a moment to pray for our leaders:
Lord, I pray for my mayor, governor, the president and Congress. I pray for those in power — men and women who are faced with intensely-difficult situations. I pray that You give them the right words, that You motivate them to the right actions and that You fill them with wisdom, Lord. Please be with our leaders as they journey through this difficult time. In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for Safety
As fear and anger grip many, a prayer for safety is warranted. From protestors to law enforcement officials, it's important to ask God for wisdom, love and care for all:
Lord, I pray for protestors who are making their voices heard. I pray for men and women in uniform who are serving in my communities and in communities throughout America. In addition to wisdom, I pray for justice, love, compassion and care to take root inside of each person. I pray that You keep the peace and that You keep everyone safe. Lord, please give wisdom to protestors and law enforcement, alike. Please allow us to see one another as You see us. Thank You for Your love for us all. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
A Prayer for Grief
Millions of people across America are grieving, as pain and chaos continue to take root. Let's offer a prayer for grief:
Lord, please help us as a people. Please guide us toward You. Please give peace and Your love to anyone struggling and suffering right now. There is so much pain, frustration and sadness. I pray for the family and loved ones of George Floyd. I pray for our communities, which are reeling from tragedy. I pray for those who feel discounted, disconnected and downtrodden. Lord, we ask for Your peace and strength as we journey through these times. Please ease the grief of every person who is struggling to comprehend these circumstances and events. We ask for Your healing touch. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
We hope these prayers offer inspiration and reflection in the midst of these difficult time. You can find more prayers and guidance here.