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5 Simple Prayers Fathers Can Pray for Their Daughters

Father’s Day is quickly approaching. It’s a time to celebrate the men in our lives for all they’ve done in our relationships with them, whether that be as a partner, father figures, or heads of the family. While we prepare to celebrate dads, we also take time to recognize and appreciate the unique bonds we have with them.

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But how can a father specifically pray for his daughter? We've rounded up a list of prayers for your daughter that a father can consider praying when desiring the best for his little girl.

Prayer For My Daughter: Inner Beauty & Body Image

A girl’s body image and the way she thinks about herself and talks to herself can be influenced by many things out of a father’s control as a parent. But, a father can pour adoration onto his daughter and make her feel loved – from the inside out. With that in mind, here is a prayer a father can say for his daughter(s)’ self-confidence and inner beauty:

Dear God,
You know all the hairs on the head of my daughter(s); you knit them in their mother’s womb. I pray that I only ever reiterate Songs of Solomon 4:7, 'You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you' to my daughter(s). Beauty starts at the heart – please give her a heart filled with love, care and kindness, to herself and to her fellow sisters in Christ. Reveal to me how I can be an advocate of her inner beauty. Allow me to use my words and actions to only affirm her, never to harm her or lower her self-esteem. Show me how I can remind her daily that she is made in Your image, that she is precious and that 'she is clothed with strength and dignity.'

WATCH NOW: Pure Flix Original movie "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters" is now available! Here's the synopsis: Steve loves all three of his daughters – but does he really know who they are? Discover the heartfelt journey of a dad who is desperately trying to hold onto his little girls but learns he must give up control and trust God with their future. The movie was inspired by the best-selling book on biblical parenting by Dr. Meg Meeker.


Prayer For My Daughter: Protection & Well-Being

It’s natural for a father to worry about his daughter’s security, protection and health. Parents can’t always be there physically to protect their children from harm or take physical hardships away from them. In particular, it can be hard for a father to grapple with not always being a daughter’s first line of protection as he watches her grow. However, they can pray to God and trust in His ultimate protection against physical and spiritual battles. Here is a prayer for a father to trust our Lord to be there in every situation:

Father almighty, Watch over my daughter and protect her – give her wisdom and prudence to steer clear of threatening or dangerous situations and people. Protect her from all harm. Deliver her from the devil’s temptations and keep her from evil. Be her safeguard when I cannot be there for her. Keep her healthy and happy at all stages in her life. Amen.


Prayer for My Daughter: Pursuit of Virtue & Faith

Fathers can pray that their daughter(s) embrace and emulate the seven virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope and charity. Examples include having strength for her life’s journey, courage to stand up for herself and for her faith, hope and trust God in His plan and showing mercy and patience to others. A father can pray for these things with this simple prayer:

Lord God, You know my daughter’s heart better than anyone, including me. I pray she has the courage to stand up for her beliefs and for her to always walk closely with You, trusting You to reveal to her the path You’ve set before her. May she make smart decisions in all circumstances. I pray she seeks counsel and rest in You first and foremost. Strengthen her for her journey, help her to know she is abundantly loved and bestow the wisdom and prudence needed for her life’s work. Thank you for the gift of my daughter. May she bloom and continue to grow in Your light. Amen.



Prayer for My Daughter: For Her Relationships

Daughter(s) will have a variety of relationships throughout her life: relationships with her siblings and other family members, friendships, and – if God wills – even marital ones. While a father may want to, he cannot always pick and choose the people their daughter(s) spends her time with. Rather, he can pray for her discernment in choosing these relationships, for her to enter them with a posture of humility and grace and devote her time and energy to those who are worthy of it:

Father God, Grant my daughter wisdom and discernment in pursuing fruitful and flourishing relationships. May she find wonderful fellowship with friends who will continually lift her up and never put her down. Send her friends who appreciate her unique talents and gifts. May she have relationships with her siblings and extended family that fill her cup and not cause her strife or tension. Show her grace, mercy and patience with all those she considers family. And may she seek a romantic relationship with a man who will honor her, love her for who she is, respect her and cherish her. Give her a marriage worthy of heaven. Give me the heart space to welcome this man with open arms, with acceptance, and with gratitude to You for sending him to my daughter. Amen.

We pray that you found this list of prayers for your daughters encouraging. For more Bible verse lists and prayer inspiration, be sure to sign up for the Pure Flix Insider email newsletter today!


Marissa Zimmet

I was born and raised just across the bay from Tampa, Florida (Go, Lightning!) and attended college at ECU in Greenville, North Carolina.