Within a week of “Going Home” debuting exclusively on Great American Pure Flix, it has become the No. 1 streaming series! The responses and reactions we’ve received from our viewers have been phenomenal and uplifting – truly adding to the hope and encouragement the series was inspired to give.
Notably, we’ve been hearing how “Going Home” resonates with both members who are hospice nurses themselves as well as members who have experienced hospice care for their own loved one. We’re sharing their encouraging stories in the hope that it’ll inspire you to also check out the series!
Need more reasons? Check out four more reasons why you should watch “Going Home” now!
Reactions from Hospice Nurses
We’d like to take a moment to thank all the hospice nurses who have shared their stories with us! We send up a prayer of thanksgiving for your hard work, of your grace and acceptance of the calling you’ve received from God and for the strength and courage to continue pouring out hope and healing to your patients and families.
Here's what hospice nurses had to say about "Going Home":
As a hospice nurse, I've been privileged to walk this sacred journey with families and patients. It is beautiful and humbling to be by their side through their tears, anger, fear, and even bittersweet joy. I am so grateful. – Deb S.
The first episode was on point. Excellent representation of hospice so far. Keep up the good work. From a hospice nurse!!!! – Donna W.
Going Home- I am a hospice nurse and I absolutely loved this series. While I'm not an inpatient hospice nurse like the series (I go to patients' homes) the message and the care [are] the same. I can't tell you how many times God has opened the door for me to share the good news and [seeing] that person come to the saving grace of Jesus is so powerful. It is my calling and my mission field. It is a true honor and privilege to walk a person home to glory!! Keep the series coming. – Tara
Reactions from Those Who Have Experienced Hospice Care
We are honored by those who felt comfortable enough with Great American Pure Flix and our community to share their hospice care experiences as family members. We pray that you experienced healing, from "Going Home” and from your time with God and with hospice. We pray for your loved one who has passed on to be reunited with Jesus and for God’s never-ending love and grace to be poured out.
Here's what family members who experienced hospice care had to say:
I am totally loving this series! Have already watched both episodes! After walking with my husband through [two] months of hospice, I can totally relate to this series. Most people are afraid of death and do not want to see it or deal with it. God has led me to work at a funeral home after the passing of my husband. I SO agree with the statement that "people misunderstand death. It isn't the opposite of life, it is a part of life". I don't understand why people see it as depressing or think that those of [us] who deal with death on a day-to-day basis are "morbid" or "weird." We have a calling to help those families, just like nurses and doctors have a calling to heal those who are sick. Once the physical body has passed the ability to heal, hospice and the funeral home has the job to walk the patient/family of the patient into eternal healing in glory and healing for the family in their loved one's passing. Kudos to Pure Flix for this series! – Carla L.
This difficult topic is handled with grace and dignity. My dad had in-home hospice care for [six] months, so I can say that the way the hospice nurses are depicted – what they say and do – are realistic. I called our hospice nurse our "earth angel." She prepared my mom and me for [my] dad's death just as much as she cared for my dad. That said, the series is tough for me to watch, as it brings back such vivid memories. I've watched only [two] episodes so far, but I will watch more. – Lana W.
We pray this number one streaming series continues to bring healing and encouragement into the homes of our members. Ready to start watching “Going Home”? Sign up for a free trial of Grat American Pure Flix today.