Few films have offered as much marital inspiration and guidance as “Fireproof,” the faith-based feature film starring Kirk Cameron. The movie, which focuses on Cameron’s character, Caleb Holt — a firefighter who embarks on a 40-day quest to save his marriage — has continued to inspire viewers to work diligently to build and maintain their own relationships.
The hit movie is now on Pure Flix, where you can watch it with a free trial. Considering Cameron’s prolific work to help couples build strong matrimonies, we decided to gather some of Kirk Cameron quotes on marriage:
Focus on Fixing Yourself
Cameron once responded to the tendency some people have to blame their spouses when things go wrong in their relationships, offering up a convicting message worth considering:
"What most people do is they try to blame their spouse and say, 'Hey, I would be a great husband if it weren't for my wife.' 'We would have a great marriage if it wasn't for my husband.’ This talks to the importance of getting your own part right. There is only one person on the whole planet who you can change and it's not your spouse."
The Importance of Marriage
Cameron married fellow actress Chelsea Noble in 1991, and the two have since built a strong and healthy marriage — and have raised six kids along the way. Last year, Cameron explained the cultural importance of marriage, and his words are worth pondering:
“Chelsea and I have been focusing on marriage and parenting for 26 years now, which is like 260 in Hollywood years. Our culture so badly needs strong marriages and families. It’s the DNA of a healthy country and a healthy world.”
Reinvigorating Faith (and Marriage)
Cameron sees a deep tie between family and faith, calling both the “lifelines” of a healthy country. With that view in mind, it’s no surprise that he’s spent so much time defending and speaking out about both paradigms. After releasing a video series on marriage last year, he explained the tie between healthy families and a strong faith in God:
“We know how hard marriage is. We know what a struggle it is to raise kids … and have them come out with a strong faith and a love for each other and virtue and character. … [Healthy families and a strong faith in God] are the lifelines to a healthy country and so we can’t afford to have failing families and we can’t afford to have faithless Americans.”
The Importance of Keeping Faith at the Center
At the center of Cameron’s work has long been his faith. Rather than concealing his beliefs, he has highlighted social problems in an effort to point people back to God. “Fireproof” is no exception.
In life and in marriage, Cameron makes it clear that people shouldn’t hide their faith . The following advice is pertinent, especially for couples looking to solve their marital problems. Relying on faith as the ultimate solution is essential:
"I like that central driving force in my life — my love for God and people that is my faith — to be the thing that pumps life into every category. To be alive, to be effective is to not divorce the most important part of you from any other area of your life. I think a lot of people do that today. They sort of keep their faith in this little box that they pull out on Sunday and they keep it in the corner (the rest of the week), and it's disconnected from everything else so they don't offend people."
Christ as the Foundation
It’s essential to keep Jesus as the foundation of a good and solid marriage. Cameron once spoke about this dynamic, further explaining the importance of keeping faith at the center.
"Marriage is a covenant relationship between me, my wife and Jesus. And there is no exiting out of that covenant relationship. … God defines the terms, we don't. It's a union built entirely on trust. Trust, first in God — that as we move ahead in the power of the Spirit, by faith, God will work all things together for good, no matter the circumstances."
We hope you enjoyed our list of Kirk Cameron quotes on marriage. And there’s plenty more insight on marriage in the movie “Fireproof,” available to stream on Pure Flix right now. You can also watch thousands of faith and family-friendly movies and TV shows on Pure Flix for free with a free trial today.