Life can sometimes be unpredictable and scary, which is why faith in God is a powerful tool for navigating the unknown. Prayer, in particular, can help people cope with and overcome the worries and fears that can be crippling in a world plagued by various problems and evils. Prayer can help us ask God for protection in the times we need it most.
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In "County Rescue," Dani prays in the ambulance on her way to every call she responds to as a probationary EMT. This is just one way prayer can be used to ask God for protection in our lives. She not only prays for protection of the people she's going to serve, but for the grace and widsom for her and her partner who are responding to the call.
From prayers for God to provide us with protection for ourselves to invocations of physical and spiritual protection on behalf of friends and loved ones, you’ll find some useful examples to ask for God's protection below:
Inspiring Prayer for Protecting Family Members & Loved Ones
Often, it’s our friends and loved ones who are desperately in need of a prayer for protection. Philippians 4:6 (NIV) reminds us not to worry and to turn to prayer when we need refuge and strength — a message that we should remind loved ones of as they, too, face challenges. The verse reads,
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
It's for this exact reason that Dani in "County Rescue" takes to praying before every call. She wants to make sure that, as an EMT, she is in control and not anxious or scared going into helping someone in an emergency situation.
For those times when you are seeking guidance or God's protection for family members and loved ones, remember that verse and consider this prayer for protection:
Lord, I pray for my friends and loved ones [or insert a specific person’s name]. Please grant them your peace, love and understanding, and please protect them from the evils of this world. Lord, please guide their paths and help them to make the right decisions — choices that will lead them where you want them to be. In addition to wisdom, I pray for their protection and safekeeping, especially as they weather this storm. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Powerful Protection Prayer for Children
For parents, there’s nothing more important than molding and shaping our children. It’s easy to forget in our hectic lives, though, that spiritual formation is the most important element of kids’ development. Another aspect of parenting is protecting our children and worrying about their safety ... sometimes, though, our worrying about them can go to the extreme. In those moments when we may worry about their safety, we are called to trust in God and ask Him for physical and spiritual protection of our children.
The Bible tells is in Proverbs 22:6 (NIV):
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
The below prayer is for parents looking for powerful prayers for protection and safekeeping for their kids:
Dear Lord, please help my children as they learn and grow. Please grant them an eternal perspective that helps them to see beyond the here and now. Please help foster this worldview and use me as a parent to plant the right seeds — seeds that will grow and flourish throughout their lives. Please grant my children the wisdom to know right from wrong and to discern what Your divine will is for their lives. And, if and when they fall, please grant me the peace and wisdom to help them get back up. Thank you for the blessing of children, Lord. In the name of your son Jesus I pray, amen.
Protection Prayer for Those Facing Difficult Situations
There are often times when specific situations in life require us to ask God for divine intervention. From natural disasters to wars and everything else in between, it’s important that we pray for the afflicted and seek the Lord’s intervention in helping ease their pain and suffering.
There's a moment in the first episode of "County Rescue" where Dani asks for divine intervention when helping a pregnant woman in labor. While her partners were tending to helping deliver the baby, Dani made sure the mother felt safe and secure during that difficult situation.
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There can be times when we ourselves are facing a difficult situation and need divine intervention and there are times when we can pray on behalf of others who are facing a difficult situation. Here are two prayers for protection worthy of your consideration — both a personal plea and one made on behalf of others:
Here is a personal prayer for protection while facing difficult situations:
Lord, I am scared. I pray for Your protection and peace. I also pray for your supernatural intervention. I know you have the power to [stop/prevent the crisis, ease the burden of the crisis]. Please act in accordance with your will. I ask that you protect my family, me and my community. I ask for Your love and healing to be poured out. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Here is a prayer for protection for people suffering in difficult situations:
Lord, please be with [insert person, group or community]. Please bless and guide them as they navigate through this difficult time. Help them to see your face amid the challenges and troubles — and please sustain them. I pray for your wisdom and for Your love to overcome everyone facing this challenge. In the name of your son Jesus I pray, amen.
Prayer For Protection From Evil
Spiritual warfare is definitely a battle as we battle against temptation and the evil one. We can ask for God's protection against evil for ourselves as well as for our loved ones. As we battle spiritual warfare, we are called to put on the "armor of God" as it says in Ephesians 6: 10-12 (NIV):
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
When we come to God asking for refuge and strength in protection from evil, we can pray:
“I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. Protect me, O Lord, from the craftiness of the enemy, and save me from his evil plots.”
Powerful Prayer Amid Uncertainty in Your Own Life
The Bible tells us not to worry in life and to place our fears in God’s hands. Matthew 6:25 (NIV) reads,
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”
This can be easier said than done — but if you’re facing an uncertain situation and you’re not sure what to do, consider saying this powerful prayer for protection and ask God for help and guidance:
Lord, I am feeling uncertain about what I’m facing. Please guide me and help me to cope with what is unfolding, Please also grant me the peace that only you can give. Amid my worries, please come alongside me and sustain me. I know that I can put my trust in you. Please grant me reminders along the way, so that I do not become overtaken by the unknown. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Comforting Prayer After Loss
Sometimes, a loss in life can leave a deep void that creates sadness and depression. Prayer can be a powerful tool for helping human beings move forward and continue to seek God even amid the pain of loss. In our prayers for protection amidst loss, we can ask God to protect us from suffering, temptation and depression.
Whether it’s a job, a loved one or some other form of loss, the Lord is there to guide us and grant us peace. These powerful prayers for protection and safekeeping are quite helpful:
Here is a personal prayer after the loss of a loved one:
Lord, I am in shock and in pain. I’m not sure where to turn or what to do, but I know that Your love can sustain me. The loss of [insert person] has left me feeling alone and overwhelmed. At moments, I’m not sure how I will move forward. Please fill me with your peace and help me through this difficult time. Help me to see Your love and Your purpose. It is only with Your love and care that I know I can move forward. Please help me pick up the pieces and forge on. Amen.
Here is a prayer for protection of others suffering after the loss of a loved one:
Dear God, I lift up [insert name(s)] to you, as they suffer the loss of their loved one. Lord, we know that life can sometimes be painful and that death can leave a hole in our hearts. I ask that you fill that hole and come alongside [insert name(s)], as they move forward and start life anew without their beloved. Please send them reminders of Love, give them the peace that surpasses all understanding and guide them as they journey through the known. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
That concludes our prayer list for asking for God's protection and safekeeping. If you're looking for a show that is full of important lessons about God's protection and safekeeping as well as renewal, faith and healing, watch the Great American Pure Flix exclusive series, "County Rescue" now streaming its first two episodes! Not a member? Sign up for a free trial.