The Bible is filled with powerful, real-life stories and inspiration that can truly guide us on our path in life. And if you're looking for a resource to help build your faith while experiencing stunning visual depictions of what unfolded in the Old and New Testaments, look no further than The Bible series.
The Bible series is a 10-hour experience that is now streaming on Pure Flix! The show, which originally premiered on the History Channel, is a drama in which producers breathe fresh visual life into the sacred biblical text.
The complete biblical story is told through The Bible series, with the show covering important events from Genesis through Revelation.
Want a preview of The Bible series? You're in luck! See descriptions of all 10 episodes to get a better sense of this powerful visual experience:
"The Bible" Episode 1: In the Beginning
From perfect beginnings, mankind falters — and God sends a devastating flood. The Bible series shows how Noah's descendant Abraham is promised a people of his own, yet his wife is barren. Through it all, Abraham's faith is put to the ultimate test as he learns what God demands of him.
Watch episode one of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 2: Exodus
The Israelites are slaves in Egypt, and Moses learns that God wants him to free them. He trusts in God, but the Pharaoh refuses to let them leave. It is then that an awesome miracle allows Moses to lead the Israelites to the wilderness, where God promises them a land of their own.
Watch episode two of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 3: Homeland
In the Promised Land, Joshua takes Jericho, but subsequent leaders are less focused. Samson takes on the Philistines, but by the time of prophet Samuel, the Israelites are demanding a king. God allows it, and Saul is anointed king — but another man waits in the wings.
Watch episode three of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 4: Kingdom
King Saul learns too late the importance of obeying God. We also see David defeating Goliath and winning the hearts of the people. But his greed for more is his downfall, as David's journey is a complicated one. He takes Jerusalem, and then his best friend's wife. As we see in The Bible series, the golden age of Jerusalem is fleeting.
Watch episode four of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 5: Survival
The warnings of Prophet Jeremiah are ignored, and the people are powerless to stop the Babylonian invasion. With no city or temple, the people must learn to keep God in their hearts. But after years in exile, Daniel may prove to be their salvation.
Watch episode five of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 6: Hope
In Roman-occupied Jerusalem, the people crave a messiah. Then, Mary is shocked to learn she will give birth to a child of God. King Herod rages about the baby usurper to his throne, and John the Baptist prepares the people for the greatest leader yet to come.
Watch episode six of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 7: Mission
Jesus' disciples share in the joy of His miracles, but not everyone is pleased to hear His message. All try to understand and comprehend what kind of leader Jesus is. They wonder, "Who is this man who can heal the sick and raise the dead?" The most almighty storm is brewing — and no one could guess what is to come.
Watch episode seven of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 8: Betrayal
Jesus' entry into Jerusalem at Passover week brings joyous celebration for some, and huge problems for others. Caiaphas searches for a way to stem Jesus' growing popularity, and the disciples share a meal and a sense of impending doom.
Watch episode eight of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 9: Passion
On Passover day, Caiaphas tells Pilate that Jesus' execution is necessary to keep the peace, and the disciples live through the horror of watching Jesus' crucifixion. When He dies, the skies blacken; yet, those with faith are soon to be rewarded.
Watch episode nine of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
"The Bible" Episode 10: Courage
Believing Jesus to be with them, Peter has the strength to spread his message. But Paul becomes the greatest messenger of all, taking the word into the heart of the Roman world and bringing countless followers into the faith. The word lives on.
Watch episode 10 of "The Bible" right now on Pure Flix.
That wraps our special guide to The Bible series. We hope you'll consider streaming this powerful show right now on Pure Flix. Don't have a membership? No problem! Grab a free trial today!