You may have noticed a common theme among our newest Pure Flix Original and Exclusive movies: family life. As your destination for entertainment with faith and family values at the core, we wanted to highlight some Bible verses about family that are at the center of these Pure Flix movies.
We hope that you'll take these values back into your own home and impress them on your children so that they can learn more about what the Bible says about family. So gather your family members and share them this list where we highlight Bible verses about family love, as well as family unity and more.
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Bible Verses About the Importance of Family
Acts 10:2 (NIV)
He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.
This Bible verse about family gives the father figure of the family instructions on how to keep faith in the home. The father’s model of his faith and prayer life is an example that he can set for his entire family.
In “Legacy Peak,” Jason is a God-fearing man whose faith is important to him as much as his fiance and her children, Sam and Ben. As we follow the adventures and challenges that Jason and his fiance’s children face, we see Jason praying for protection and safety for all three of them. In their fight for survival, these prayers become essential.
Genesis 18:19 (NIV)
For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.
Bible verses about family often can help guide instructions on how to raise our children in the church. This family Bible verse in particular highlights the importance of raising children. The best way to show kids the importance of faith is to be an example and model for them.
In “Lifemark,” David’s adoptive parents shower him with love and support. In turn, David developed into a kind, forgiving and grateful child, full of hope and faith. This hope and faith gave David the strength and courage to meet his birth mom and extend the same love and support his parents showed him.
Psalms 27:10 (NIV)
Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.
There are many ways that a family can become a family. But we are all also part of the church's family because we are all God’s children. Despite any family circumstances we may be dealing with on this side of heaven, we can be encouraged in this Bible verse about family to know that the Lord is our Father who cares for us from above.
In "Eleanor's Bench," Eleanor encounters many troubled children in her courtroom who are heading down a criminal path. Eleanor shows them kindness and compassion, forgiveness and mercy in her courtroom so they can see and know God's grace. In turn, her showing of God's love for them motivates these juveniles to change their life for the better.
Deuteronomy 5:16 (NIV)
Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
Bible verses about family don’t just serve as instructions for parents, but also guidance for the children in the family as well. In this family Bible verse, we learn that children must obey their parents and"honor your father and mother" as part of following God’s law. Honoring our mother and father includes respecting their wishes, obeying their rules – especially when it comes to running the household –and being faithful to their family.
In “Moonrise,” Piper just wants her father's attention and love which has been lacking since his wife’s tragic death. In response to her father's apathy, Piper lashes out, going against his harsh orders by secretly learning to ride her late mother’s temperamental horse, cutting her hair among other rebellious actions. While Piper wants to follow the instructions in this Bible verse about family, she shakes things up in order for her father to see that she needs him.
Psalm 133:1 (NIV)
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
Bible verses about family unity are also essential to navigating a devout life as a family. In this family Bible verse, we learn that God is pleased when a family unit works together, collectively and cohesively in their respective roles as mother, father and children. Following His instructions for family life leads us closer to Christ.
This Bible verse about family unity can be illustrated in David’s story in “Lifemark.” After meeting Melissa, his birth mother, David and his adoptive parents accept her into their lives and harmoniously support and care for each other. The grace and gratitude David’s adoptive parents show Melissa portrays how adoption can affect family life in a beautiful and positive way.
Read Also: 13 Heartwarming Family Movies about Adoption & Foster Care
1 Peter 4:8-9 (NIV)
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
The core foundation of a family should be love for one another. Not only do these Bible verses about family instruct us to have a love for our family, but there are so many other Bible verses and Christian teachings – such as the fruits of the Holy Spirit and the Beatitudes – that teach us to love our neighbor.
In "Eleanor's Bench," Eleanor desires to foster Drayvon as a way to not only care for her late best friend's family, but also to give him stability and a loving home. As Eleanor gets more involved in Drayvon's case, her love for him only grows. Because of her hospitality, Drayvon is able to cope with his mother's incarceration while feeling safe, secure and loved.
Ephesians 6:4 (NIV)
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
It might seem like some Bible verses about family get very specific, quite like this one, but when we look at the bigger picture, they are meant to provide a comprehensive guide for family life for each family member. While this Bible verse about family focuses on fathers – or parents as another interpretation – not provoking their children, it is also virtuous advice for parents. There can be times when unconsciously, parents can say things that upset their children. This Bible verse reminds parents to be conscious and mindful before they speak to their children.
Unfortunately, it seems like Will in “Moonrise” doesn’t always remember to stop, pray and give a moment to think before he speaks, especially when communicating with his daughter Piper. Many conversations between Will and Piper result in Piper getting upset that Will isn’t truly listening to her and acknowledging her thoughts and feelings. Can Will relay on the Holy Spirit and discern that God is calling him to listen attentively to his daughter? You'll have to watch to find out!
What is God's blessing for the family?
Psalm 127:3 (NIV)
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.
When we think about family life, children are a vital part of the family unit. Bible verses about family such as Psalm 127:3 highlight that children are truly a gift from God, God is the one who provides us with life so we can abide His word of “Be fruitful and multiply" in Genesis.
A child’s life is definitely celebrated as a gift in “Lifemark.” David’s adoptive parents have lived out this Bible verse about family, giving thanks to the Lord for allowing them to be David’s parents, as well as to his birth mother for giving them their son. Gratitude for one another is very present in their family in the film.
Galatians 6:2 (NIV)
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Family units grow closer as they face hardships together, celebrate together, and experience vulnerability with each other. Bible verses about family unity, including Galatians 6:2, instruct families to lean on each other and be there for one another – both in the good and the bad.
After the Browns’ mother tragically passes away in “Moonrise,” the whole family – Will and his three children – are left to mourn. As Will struggles with regret and his loss of faith, his children also feel his grief. Amongst themselves, they look for ways and talk about how they can help their father to move past the accident. The Brown children embrace this Bible verse about family as they work to find a way to help him carry his burden.
What is God's purpose for family?
Bible verses about family give families instruction and explain God’s purpose for the family unit here on earth. We are called to treat each and every person we encounter as our brother and sister. Bible verses about family remind us to treat everyone with love, kindness and respect because we are all God’s children.
Luke 18:16 (NIV)
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Jesus often preached about the innocence of a child and how we all need to remember to be as trusting in Our Father as a child trusts their parents to guide them. Children are an example of how we each are called to live out our prayer life in our faith. These instructions from Jesus, as noted by this particular and many other Bible verses about family, reminds us that we are all children of God, the Father of each and every one of us.
Jason in "Legacy Peak" certainly remembers his identity as a child of God, and because of that, treats both Sam and Ben with the respect and honor they deserve. He praises them for their individual talents and unique God-given gifts, which is exactly how parents are instructed to love their kids – acknowledging their uniqueness and loving them through their individuality.
This concludes our list of Bible verses about family. We hope and pray that your family life is full of love and respect for one another. Watch "Moonrise," "Lifemark," or "Legacy Peak" to see these beautiful themes illustrated in our Pure Flix exclusive and original movies!