If you’re a parent who is on the fence over whether to return to in-person church gatherings as we face COVID-19, this list of free Sunday school lessons is for you.
As COVID-19 persists across the country, families have to weigh the choice to return to in-person church gatherings. The decline in attendance and the break in attendance routine can be very detrimental to our youngest family members who soak up the Word of God like a sponge during Sunday school.
If you grew up in a Christian home, chances are you have fond memories of Sunday school lessons. Maybe you remember the old-school flannel storyboards or even Vacation Bible School (VBS). And as a parent, you want your kids — and the other kids in contemporary Sunday school lessons — to remember the lessons of Sunday school well into adulthood, just like you have.
This guide to free Sunday school lessons is the perfect place to find free lessons that you or your church can use.
Free Sunday School Lesson Ideas for Children and Holidays
Sunday School Lessons for Preschoolers
Preschoolers love Sunday school. The songs, games, coloring and Bible stories are all captivating for 2-4-year-olds; keeping their attention is key. These free resources will keep your class smiling and engaged:
Children’s Ministry – Preschool Sunday School Lessons
Children's Ministry is a great resource for Sunday school teachers. They offer online lesson plans, Bible-themed activities, teaching tips, and outreach tools.
Sunday School Center - Series and Lessons
Sunday School Center organizes their lesson plans for preschoolers into series and individual lessons. So whether you’re volunteering for several weeks or filling in for another teacher, they’ve got you covered.
Kid’s Sunday School
Complete with schedules, themes, activities, and more, Kid’s Sunday School offers members-only and free lesson plans that you’ll love. Check out their huge inventory on their website.
BONUS: Check out great kids’ series like “Veggie Tales,” “SeaKids,” and “Noah’s Park” on PureFlix. They’re great for preschoolers on Sunday morning or during the week.
Sunday School Lessons for Elementary Children
It can be tough to keep the attention of elementary school kids. But on Sunday mornings, you have the chance to share lessons that can impact them for the rest of their lives. Here are free resources to help you create memorable Sunday school lessons for kids ages 5-12:
Friends and Heroes
Kids love stories that capture their imagination. “Friends and Heroes” is a kid’s Bible series that does just that, all while incorporating Bible lessons and stories kids are sure to remember. The best part? You can download a free Sunday school lesson to go with the episodes, below.
Watch Trailer: "Friends and Heroes"
100 Free Sunday School Lessons for Kids
You read that right, this website offers an extensive list of downloadable Sunday school lessons that are relatable and fun. With pop-culture spins like “Emoji Prayers” and “Jesus League,” these lesson plans are sure to get kids thinking (and talking) about God’s Word.
Ministry to Children — Kindergarten to 6th Grade
Ministry to Children focuses on lesson plans based on the Old Testament and New Testament that can be easily modified to fit ages 5-12.
Sunday School Lessons for Teens
The teenage years are some of the most impressionable for young minds. With peer pressure, high school, and the transition to adulthood come a specific set of challenges and a real need for guidance. Sunday school, youth group, or Bible study can be the perfect place to share wisdom with teens and young adults alike. These free resources will help get you started:
Christian Movies That Teach the Fruit of the Spirit
Most teens prefer not to sit through a sermon, but love watching movies. This free devotional teaches nine crucial life lessons alongside fun movies that display those values.
Teen Sunday School Place
Ranging from basic to in-depth, these lesson plans are great for the teenage crowd because they dive deep into God’s Word in a fun, relatable way. Though some must be accessed through a membership, there are a lot of free teen Sunday school lessons to get you started.
Ministry to Youth
This website doesn’t stop at lesson plans. It is also full of games and activity ideas to help you keep teenagers engaged and having fun. Check out their free resources below.
BONUS: Here is a list of family-friendly movies for you to enjoy with your teenager.
Sunday School Lessons for Easter
Easter Sunday is perhaps the most meaningful Christian holiday, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s crucial to help kids understand that Easter is about so much more than Easter egg hunts and bunnies. These resources will help you do just that:
Sunday School Center
This site offers free lessons not only for Easter, but all of Holy Week. It’s an easy way to teach about Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, Good Friday, the Resurrection, the Great Commission, Jesus’ Ascension, and Pentecost.
Read Also: Easter Eggs: The History & Traditions of Easter
Sunday School Lessons for Christmas
With presents and Santa and everything else our culture throws at the holiday, the real meaning of Christmas can feel like it is buried beneath a heap of commercialism. That’s why it is more important than ever for churches to focus on the true story of Christmas. These lessons will help you teach kids what this favorite holiday is all about:
LifeWay Christian Stores offers free Christmas lessons on their website that span multiple age groups and topics. View them below.
Loyola Press
With Sunday school lessons for the entire advent season, Loyola Press is a great resource for parents and Sunday school teachers.
That concludes our list of free Sunday school lessons and resources for you and your family during the times of COVID-19. For more great resources for your entire family, make sure you’re subscribed to the Pure Flix Insider. You’ll find family movie recommendations, devotionals, Christian news, and so much more.

Sarah Hartland
Sarah Hartland knew she wanted to be a writer from the time she wrote her first short story in the fourth grade. By the time she was in high school, she had written two novellas and countless short stories. It was her love of storytelling that led her into marketing and media.
Sarah freelanced throughout her time at Colorado Christian University, where she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. At CCU, Sarah competed in speech and debate across the country, securing multiple awards and a national debate championship. She co-lead CCU's first-ever broadcast media program, CCU.TV, and served as the program's Student Producer during her senior year.
When she's not writing blog posts or editing a video, Sarah loves to swing dance, ski, travel, or visit her seven younger siblings in Montana.