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sergeant gary travis played by todd terry vindication
Oct 9, 2023 7:10:09 AM

Our Favorite Moments from Season 3 of 'Vindication' Continued (Episodes 5-8)

In Part 1, we share some amazing moments from the first four episodes from Season 3 of “Vindication.” Here in Part 2, we take you to the second four episodes. As a reminder, SPOILERS are included …

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Best Moments from Episodes 5-8 of Season 3 of 'Vindication'


Anthony and Becky Travis’ Reunion (Episode 5)

Our top moment from an action-packed episode is when Anthony requests to see Becky before helping the federal agents catch Chief Tomlinson. You can’t help but get teary-eyed as soon as Gary drives up to the meeting spot and tells Becky there is someone who wants to see her.

It was a sweet gesture that Anthony made by requesting to see her in return for helping the federal agents with the investigation. It solidified the implication that he truly felt loved and seen by both Gary and Becky since they took him into their home. Not only does it show how much of an impact Becky had on Anthony, but it also shows how strong their relationship became during their time together.

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Tre Goes Rogue in Investigation (Episode 6)

As Tre has been tasked to keep the investigation of Brittany’s death open, Tomlinson believes he’s trying to find solid evidence that Anthony is indeed guilty. But Tre, who’s following the Spirit’s guidance, knows that Anthony didn’t do it – that there’s a larger story behind Brittany’s death that involves Tomlinson. Tre goes to the ballistics lab, to see if they’ve completed the test on Travis’ gun that they found at the crime scene. He went there without anyone at the precinct knowing, including Tomlinson. He found out that the gun was indeed not a match and that Tomlinson himself canceled the request to test the gun, leaving Tre more suspicious of Tomlinson and leading him closer to the truth.

Read Also: Our Favorite Moments From Episodes 1-4 of 'Vindication' Season 3

Tre and his wife had a heart to heart earlier in the season, where his wife asks if he’s been praying about the case. Tre’s investigation has been Spirit-led from the beginning, when he visited Anthony’s great-aunt in Anthony’s old neighborhood. His example shows us that we, too, can even ask the Spirit for guidance in our workplace, not just our personal lives. 


Travis and Tanner’s Purposeful Conversation (Episode 7)

After finding out that Tomlinson and his henchmen killed her brother, Tanner seeks revenge. When Gary goes to visit Tanner, she asks Gary if he reads the Bible and he returns the question. Tanner quotes a verse from the Psalms: “He rains down on the wicked fire and brimstone. A scorching wind is their destiny.” Gary responds with a verse from Romans: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Their conversation continues with Gary encouraging Tanner to leave the judgment of Tomlinson up to God and to see God as a God of love, not wrath.

We’ve all been in a similar situation where we struggle to forgive someone for their actions. Some of us may have even asked ourselves, where is the justice? Our Christian faith reminds us that God is the only one allowed to judge, not us. We are told not to seek an eye for an eye, but rather have trust and faith God will show just judgment in His timing.

Read Also: 5 Healing Prayers for Forgiveness


Travis and Tanner’s Second Purposeful Conversation (Episode 8)

Tanner continues to spiral into a dark place, where all she wants is revenge for her brother’s murder. Travis warns her revenge won’t bring comfort or peace with his death. This leads to a conversation about heaven and hell and the possibility of wishing someone to one place over the other. Travis shares, “Forgiveness is something we seem to want more for ourselves than we’re willing to give others.” He tells her that if she believed in hell and truly knew what it was like, she would seek to help people get to heaven.

Instead of wishing our brothers and sisters ill will, we should—like Travis advises—look for ways to be Christ to them, often by offering forgiveness, mercy, and love. 


Travis Calms Down Tanner During Confrontation (Episode 8)

At the climax of the final episode, Tanner is at a stand-off with Tomlinson. Gary tries to persuade her to back down and let the police handle Tomlinson’s arrest. He reiterates that this is not the way to gain peace and promises there is hope that she can be free of her pain and grief. Tanner listens and relinquishes. In the epilogue, Travis baptizes Tanner, welcoming her into the Christian faith.

What a powerful scene to end the season! Tanner’s grief and anger is still very raw and real—anyone who has lost someone can empathize with what she’s going through. It’s in those dark and hard times that it’s hardest to feel God’s presence in our lives. But those are the moments when we must ask for His strength and guidance the most.

Travis keeps his promise he made in jail to share the gospel and to live it out. His courageous actions show how we are also called to live out our faith: to share the Good News of the Lord to those who do not know Him. We are not meant to do life alone—even the apostles had each other. Community is an important part of living our Christian faith that helps encourage and support us in our journey.

Be sure to watch all 3 seasons of "Vindication” right here on Great American Pure Flix. Not a member? Start a free trial today.


Marissa Zimmet

I was born and raised just across the bay from Tampa, Florida (Go, Lightning!) and attended college at ECU in Greenville, North Carolina.