Pure Flix CEO Michael Scott recently sat down with #1 New York Times best-selling author Karen Kingsbury to discuss the power of Pure Flix and the need for faith entertainment in today’s society.
“There’s such a hunger in our culture and our country for faith-driven stories that will connect with people’s hearts,” Karen Kingsbury said.
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As a creator of the Pure Flix exclusive series, “A Thousand Tomorrows,” based on her best-selling book by the same title, Karen would know this hunger and desire for faith-driven stories. It’s why she chose Pure Flix to be the destination for this series.
“[Pure Flix] is where people should be getting their entertainment. Pure Flix is where everyone should be at this point,” Karen explained.
Pure Flix is dedicated to telling stories that not only allow you to sit down and watch with the whole family but bring you closer to God as well. That’s exactly what “A Thousand Tomorrows” accomplishes.
Throughout the series, Michael Scott explained, viewers see authentic and real-life situations that may or may not have an ending that’s tied with a neat little bow.
“Life is messy sometimes. We don’t always know what’s going to happen. If we invite God into those situations, He will clean up those messes … You see God show up in these situations,” Michael Scott said, describing what audiences can expect to learn from Pure Flix movies and series.
The entire first season of “A Thousand Tomorrows” is now available to binge on Pure Flix. To help you dive deeper into its themes of redemption, forgiveness and love, we have a Bible Study and discussion guide to accompany each episode. You can find it all here.
And if you’re wondering if we’ll see more of Karen Kingsbury here at Pure Flix:
“We have a very savvy audience coming to Pure Flix, they want a variety of programming,” Karen said in response to developing more faith-based entertainment with Pure Flix.