The "Left Behind" book series captivated millions of people across the globe, with the end-times narrative offering literary "visuals" of what many believe the Bible prophesies.
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These massively popular books were written by authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. LaHaye, who died in 2016, and Jenkins' depictions of potential end-times scenarios quickly sparked a movement of infused and reignited interest in biblical prophecy. There were a total of 16 books in the "Left Behind" series.
Was 'Left Behind' Made Into a Movie?
One of the most common questions about the "Left Behind" books is whether they were ever made into a movie. The answer? Yes! In fact, the main book series has sparked four film adaptations, with the initial trilogy consecutively exploring characters presented in the book series.
What is perhaps most fascinating about the original three "Left Behind" movies is that they still — more than two decades after the first movie in the franchise was released — remain wildly popular.
Plus, all three of the films are now streaming on Great American Pure Flix!
So, let's explore the "Left Behind" series movies and look deeper at some of the theological details about the trilogy.
What is the Movie 'Left Behind' About?
The "Left Behind" movie series focuses on the biblical concept of the rapture, the biblical belief that Christians will be taken up to heaven and spared from the majority of end-times events.
The film series imagines the events that would and could unfold in the event of the rapture. From chaos to consternation and confusion, the individuals who are left behind end up on a journey of self-discovery, faith and navigating the newfound perils of a post-rapture world.
We cover the theological issues in-depth in our free "End-Times Theology Guide," so download it today to better understand the rapture and other associated biblical events.
What are the 'Left Behind' Movie Series Titles?
Now, let's dive into the names and descriptions of each of the "Left Behind" movies, which star Christian actor Kirk Cameron and "Dallas" star Brad Johnson.
Left Behind
This is the first of the "Left Behind" movies. Here's the synopsis: After learning that millions have completely vanished, an airline pilot, his daughter, and others work together to unravel the mystery of those left behind. Brad Johnson plays airline pilot Rayford Steele and Kirk Cameron plays reporter Buck Williams, who learns that Nicolae Carpathia is the Anti-Christ.
Watch the first in the "Left Behind" series movies right now.
Left Behind 2: Tribulation Force
Kirk Cameron and Brad Johnson are both back again for the next of the "Left Behind" movies, "Left Behind 2: Tribulation Force." Here's the synopsis: Two weeks after the Rapture, those left behind must band together to form the Tribulation Force, preparing themselves for the worst seven years the planet will ever see in this exciting sequel to "Left Behind." Buck Williams, played by Kirk Cameron, is part of the Tribulation Force while Rayford Steele is the group's leader.
Watch the movie, which is now streaming on Great American Pure Flix!
Left Behind 3: World at War
And the last in the "Left Behind" series movies is "Left Behind 3: World at War." In this final film in the trilogy, the U.S. president asks a journalist and his band of rebels to thwartNicolae Carpathia's deadly plans. The world falls into chaos as Nicolae Carpathia detonates nuclear devices across the globe and stages multiple devastating attacks against both the Tribulation Force and an international militia, led by U.S. President Gerald Fitzhugh.
See what happens by watching the movie right now on Great American Pure Flix!
Is There a Left Behind 4 Movie?
Another commonly asked question is: Is there a "Left Behind 4" movie? The short answer: No. There was a new "Left Behind" movie that was released in 2014. That film reimagined the same story told in the books, but with different actors. It was not a "Left Behind 4" or a continuation of the original trilogy.
A synopsis of this film reads, "A small group of survivors are left behind after millions of people suddenly vanish and the world is plunged into chaos and destruction." This film isn't one of the "Left Behind" movies currently streaming on Great American Pure Flix.
Where Can I Watch the 'Left Behind' Trilogy?
Want to learn more about prophecy while being entertained? Watch "Left Behind" movies on Great American Pure Flix! Not a member? Sign up for a free trial today.
And follow along with the "Left Behind" movie series with our End-Times Theology Guide!