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Looking for God’s Healing? Her Story Will Inspire You

Written by Billy Hallowell | Aug 2, 2019 7:00:00 AM

Navy veteran Tiffany Jeffers was once sick, downtrodden and hopeless, facing illnesses that doctors said were incurable. It was a harrowing time that left her feeling disconnected as her physical and emotional health deteriorated — that is, until she made the decision to believe God could heal her.

Tiffany is featured on PureFlix.com’s new talk show, “The Healing Tribe,” a series that also features host Andrea Logan White and Heather McKean — women who have come together to help people walk out of chronic illness, addictions, trauma, relationship issues, depression and anxiety, offering the tools needed to live an abundant life.

Tiffany recently told The Pure Flix Insider about her fascinating journey to healing and spiritual restoration, explaining how she went from desperation to triumph with God’s help. Her story is one comprised of numerous challenges, including some childhood traumas.

After joining the military at age 17, Tiffany also suffered sexual abuse during her time in the military — another harrowing experience that posed diabolical challenges and helped lead her down a path of pain, illness and uncertainty.

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“I lost all hope and just started deteriorating. Each year, I got worse and worse,” she said. “After many diagnoses and realizing that my body could not handle the medications for much longer, I realized that I would have to address my mind and my faith in God to heal me if I really wanted to live. Living was my main motivator.”

Tiffany said she decided to change her mindset and had faith that God could make her better — faith that helped her overcome her afflictions and heal. She’s now a wife and a mother who deeply loves Jesus.

“A lot of scriptures on how Jesus healed people empowered me,” she said. “The word of God, in general, really empowered me.”

Tiffany pointed to the power of Bible stories to embolden readers to overcome past emotional challenges and to change negative mindsets. 

“The story of Joseph and his brothers when they intended to harm him and he forgave them, is very inspiring to me,” she said. “It helped me to forgive my birth father for abandoning us and harming my family. And to forgive all people who have harmed me. Also, it empowered me to forgive myself for hurting my family, take ownership and responsibility, apologize and to treat them with proper respect."

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She pointed to Joseph’s powerful line: “What man intended for harm, God intended for good” — a line that helped guide her on the path to forgiveness.

Tiffany also mentioned Jesus’ guidance in the New Testament on how people should live. 

“I love how Jesus gave us golden nuggets constantly through how he lived, how he loved and how he expects us to be,” she said. “I love Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, James, and all those smaller books of the bible, even Revelation. Such amazing wisdom in those books on how to live and be an overcomer.”

Additionally, Tiffany shared her own journey of finding Christ after struggling with addiction and alcoholism early on in her life after joining the Navy. 

“I was victim through and through before knowing Christ and honestly, it's still been a huge journey learning how to live with a victorious mindset,” she said. “My heart was hard like a rock and I didn't like loving people, I was arrogant and thought I knew everything and I was dishonest. I think God has transformed my heart, to a soft, flesh-like heart now, overall.”

Tiffany joins Heather and Andrea in PureFlix.com’s “The Healing Tribe” — a show where she dives much deeper into her story.

“Heather McKean and I have known each other for awhile now, but ended up having similar stories, and got better,” she explained. “We became good friends, empowering one another and were trained to empower others to heal as well. We both were doing sessions with clients for years.”

After meeting Andrea, the three friends set out on a journey to bring “The Healing Tribe” to life, with the overarching goal of empowering the masses with a focus on God’s healing touch.

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“I hope that people feel empowered — empowered that they are not alone in their struggles,” Tiffany said. “That they feel empowered to address areas of struggle with courage.”

Be sure to hear all of Tiffany’ story on “The Healing Tribe.” Watch episodes on Facebook Watch.