One of the wonders of technology is the ability to learn from others’ experiences. Now, more than ever, human beings have access to millions of blogs, news outlets and information sources. Among the massive trove of content are top mommy bloggers who offer wonderful advice about marriage, parenting, faith and plenty more.
So, we decided to assemble a list of Christian mommy bloggers — women who offer must-use advice, devotional content and plenty more. These are people worth adding to your daily reading lists:
Author and Mommy Blogger: Becky Thompson
Christian author and mommy blogger Becky Thompson inspires mothers and offers real and honest commentary on the day-to-day experiences she has as a wife and mom. Here’s a bit more on her story:
“I’m Becky Thompson, and I’m married to Jared. We have been married for nearly twelve years and we have three kids, Kolton (8), Kadence (6) and Jaxton (3). My husband and I spent the last seven years raising our kids on the plains of Oklahoma, but recently made the crazy and drastic move to Los Angeles.”
If you’re looking for Christian bloggers, she’s one worth adding to your list.
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Another Top Mommy Blogger: Lisa Jacobson
Lisa Jacobson’s “Club 31 Women” blog offers her take on marriage, parenthood and plenty more. It’s a wonderful space for tapping into encouraging advice.
“Yes, I believe any Christian woman can enjoy a loving marriage, a strong relationship with her children, and a joy-filled home,” Jacobson wrote on her site. “Maybe that doesn’t sound realistic to you. Or sounds like something you long for so deeply and yet feels so far away.”
If you’re looking for encouragement, read “Club 31 Women.”
Jennifer Smith and the “Unveiled Wife”
Jennifer Smith’s parenthood blog is another one worth reading. This Christian blogger offers a great deal of practical life advice. She based the title of her blog on 2 Corinthians 3:16-18, which discusses God taking the veil away from those who follow Him.
“I am a Christian, a wife and a mother of two,” she wrote. “These are my three most important priorities in life, in that order.”
Read the “Unveiled Wife” today for more from this Christian blogger.
Top Mommy Blogger Ruth Schwenk is “The Better Mom”
Rush Schwenk is an interesting read considering that she’s a pastor’s wife and a homeschooling mother of four. According to her biography she “has a passion for following where God leads, sharing the love of God with each and every person that crosses her path, rescuing orphans, and inspiring others to create a God honoring family.”
Read more about this top mommy blogger here.
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The Simply Clarke Mommy Blog
Marquis Clarke describes herself as “a modern mom of two, who loves to share about marriage, parenting, and faith with a splash of fashion.” She covers a great deal of ground on her blog, which you can read here.
Christian Blogger Sally Clarkson
Christian blogger Sally Clarkson has been working with moms for 40 years, mentoring and sponsoring women through Bible studies, small groups and other events. She’s hoping to provide readers with “a breath of fresh spiritual air.”
Read Clarkson’s blog here.
Top Mommy Blogger Heidi St. John
Heidi St. John leads women in Bible studies, using humor to draw readers into her writing. This is especially helpful as she tackles difficult and rewarding topics like parenting and marriage — topics for which humor can sometimes be much needed.
“Heidi's ability to bypass our prejudices and preconceptions allows her to speak directly to the heart of every reader as she offers wisdom, inspiration and grace to those who are all-too-often feeling overwhelmed by all that's on their plate,” a description reads.
Read St. John’s blog here.
Check Out Christian Blog “To Jesus, Sincerely”
A Catholic mom named Sara wants to help people “draw closer to Jesus.” She’s a former teacher, a wife, a mom and a mathematician. She promises readers something quite intriguing, writing:
“I’m here to open wide the doors of my heart as I seek to answer the universal call to holiness in my life. I invite you to walk this road with me, drawing closer to Jesus together every step of the way. Together, we can seek to know, love, and serve God in this life we live, in order to be happy with him forever in heaven.”
Check out her blog here.
Top Mommy Blogger Erin Odom’s “The Humbled Homemaker”
“The Humbled Homemaker” is a parenting blog by mommy blogger Eric Odom. She shares her hopes and struggles, while also explaining the ups and downs of parenthood. There’s a “realness” to her tone that many will find inviting:
“Motherhood still isn’t easy, and now that we’ve welcomed a new baby boy into our home I sometimes feel like I’m reliving some of my past struggles (or discovering new ones)!
But you know what? I can look back on my story and remember that being humbled isn’t a bad thing. I’m reminded that I will always need–and there will always be–more grace. And grace brings growth.”
Read Odom’s Christian mommy blog here.
Natasha Crain’s Mom Blog: “Christian Mom Thoughts”
Natasha Crain of “Christian Mom Thoughts” is a wife and mother of three who shares her journey to helping her kids better understand faith. After becoming a mother, she said she “knew faith was meant to be a more integral part of life and I wanted them to experience that.”
She started her blog to connect with Christian parents, and hasn’t looked back since. Oh, and she clarified that her blog is for both moms and dads. Read it here.
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Meet Mommy Blogger Sarah Liberty of “Christ Centered Mama”
Sarah Liberty is a pastor’s wife who writes “Christ Centered Mama,” explaining that it’s a “Christian Womanhood blog dedicated to encouraging God’s Crown of Creation ... in their faith, marriages, and motherhood.”
The blog covers prayer, issues women face and plenty more. Read it here.
“Radical Christian Woman,” Christian Blog by Elaine Mingus
Another Christian blogger worth reading is Elaine Mingus. Her site, “Radical Christian Woman,” is for readers who “want to live their lives sold-out for Jesus.” The description adds that it’s for women who truly want to put their kids’ faith first. Here’s more:
Today, RCW is a blog for those women, like me, who want to live their lives sold-out for Jesus. They want everything in their entire world to be overshadowed by His divine presence. They desire their children to be on fire for the Lord and not stray. They are willing to lay down their own lives for their husbands.
They are RADICAL in a country that insists on being mundane. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill Christians who are satisfied with Sunday service and a few good Christian self-help books, these are the women willing to get dirty for the cause.
Read more on Elaine’s blog here.
Leigh Mackenzie’s “Jesus in Everything” is a Top Christian Blog
Writer and speaker Leigh Mackenzie is on a mission to encourage Christians, even when life gets difficult and mistakes are made. In the end, she said she wants to help people “be the best Christ-bearers” they can be.” Check out her work here.
That wraps our list of top mommy blogs. For more inspiration, be sure to check out, where you’ll find more than 10,000 faith and family friendly movies, TV shows and original programs.