Tis the season and Pure Flix has more than 150 Christmas movies and shows for you and your family to stream this December. From romance to Christ-focused films, Pure Flix has something for everyone.
Banking On Love - Available December 7
Pure Flix Original: When a failing mechanic and an uptight loan officer are forced to spend the Christmas holiday together locked in a bank vault, they both learn dreams are worth living and fighting for.
Watch "Banking on Love" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
A young small-town girl turned city-dweller returns home for the first time since her sister's death to find a Christmas mystery she and her childhood friends must solve before the annual Christmas party.
Watch "I Love Christmas Parties" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
Angels Sing
A father must overcome his past to find the Christmas joy he lost years ago.
Watch "Angels Sing" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
The King: A Christmas Story
Travel on a journey of amazement, wonder, and chaos as two young angels discover the mission of their beloved King.
Watch "The King: A Christmas Story" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
Hope For the Holidays
One man's love for his dying mother leads him to commit the biggest mistake of his life. Now, with the help of his newfound faith and a miracle, he seeks redemption on Christmas Day.
Watch "Hope For the Holidays" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
Shoelaces for Christmas
After an altercation with her mother, Jennifer has to volunteer at a homeless shelter in the hope she will learn to be compassionate toward others. Through this new experience, Jennifer creates an unlikely bond with the staff and a special guest.
Watch "Shoelaces for Christmas" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
A Match Made At Christmas
Romantic, small-town girl Holly, and realist, career-driven, Chris aren't a likely pair, but when 'matched' together by Holly's all-knowing great-aunt.
Watch "A Match Made At Christmas" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
Miracle on Christmas
During the Christmas holiday, Mary experiences emotional trials that cause her to question her faith until a visitor arrives and her husband receives an unexpected miracle.
Watch "Miracle on Christmas" by becoming a Pure Flix member today.
Be sure to see what other Christmas movies and shows are streaming on Pure Flix this December. See our full list here and become a Pure Flix member today!