Packed with inspirational moments, “God’s Not Dead 2” is an amazing movie about possessing unwavering faith in God. And the good news is that it's back streaming, along with all other installments of the "God's Not Dead" franchise right here on Great American Pure Flix!
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This movie reveals that there comes a time in the life of a believer when you must stand up and defend your faith in God, which will require “grace under fire.” (No pun intended.)
The main character is an AP high school history teacher, Grace Wesley, played by Melissa Joan Hart. She gets into hot water when a student asks whether the nonviolent teachings of Mahatma Ghandi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. parallel to how Jesus dealt with his enemies. In Grace’s response, she mentions the name of Jesus and quotes a verse from the Beatitudes.
Another student in the class tips off the school administration about Grace’s response. She is notified by the principal that her response violated school board policy and the law regarding the separation of church and state.
The plot thickens when the ACLU becomes involved to make an example of Grace and to prove that “God is dead.”
There are many inspirational moments in this film. Here are three stirring quotes from the movie that hopefully will inspire you to remain steadfast in your faith in God in spite of any persecution and opposition you may face in these times:
“Prayer is the last thing we do, when it should be the first.”
This is what Grace’s 81-year old grandfather said to her before she landed in hot water with the school board. Prayer is the strongest force on earth when spoken and acted upon in agreement with God’s will. Prayer changes things because God releases His supernatural power when He sees you taking strategic action by faith.
There are so many different ways to pray and reasons to pray: to rejoice, to ask for help, to seek protection, to help grieve. No matter what season of life you find yourself in, prayer should be the first thing you do.
“I would rather stand up for Jesus and be judged by man than stand up for man and be judged by Jesus.”
This is what Grace said, and acted upon, when she refused to apologize for her response to her student in "God's Not Dead 2." Even though the school board threatened to ruin her career, Grace did not let pressing external circumstances cloud her faith in God. As a result, she prevailed and won her case.
We see over and over in scripture how Christ' disciples and followers stood up for believing in Him and attesting to His glory. As Christians, we also know that God is the only one that will judge us in the end (James 4:12 NIV). For that reason, we should not fear judgement by man but act knowing that God will judge us in the end.
Read Also: Bible Verses about Strength: God's Word on Faith in Hard Times
“You of all people should realize when you’re going through something really hard, the teacher is always quiet during the test.”
During one of the toughest moments of the trial, Grace shared with her grandfather that when she prayed now, unlike other times, she felt as if Jesus was a million miles away. Her grandfather’s response gave Grace the inner fortitude she needed to endure and outlast persecution.
It can be hard to discern God's voice when we're facing trials and hard times. But as Grace's grandfather says, He is still there with us, silently watching over us and being a pillar strength during our weakness. Remember that God may not always speak loudly, but will reveal to us in time where He moved in our lives.
The movie, “God’s Not Dead 2” is relevant and thought-provoking for today because it focuses the lens of attention on the state of religious liberty in the U.S. Like the protagonist in this movie, Grace Wesley, every believer must cultivate and possess unswerving faith in Jesus for him- or herself. For it is in Him that we live and move and have our being. And if necessary, it is for Him we must be prepared to die, so that He alone gets the glory.
Want to continue being inspired? Download this Inspirational Movie Guide filled with film overviews, trivia, and fun facts that will inspire your faith!