Everyone loves a good mystery. "Ainsley McGregor Mysteries: A Case for the Winemaker" is streaming on Great American Pure Flix right now. This movie is adapted from the bestselling novel by Candace Havens. In this article, we introduce you to the character of Ainsley to know her a little more before you watch the movie.
Where is Ainsley from?
Ainsley McGregor is from the small town of Sweet River, Texas. For the past several years, Ainsley worked as a criminologist in Chicago. After a scary incident on the job, Ainsley decides to move back to her hometown. Ainsley’s younger brother, Rian, works in Sweet River as the sheriff.
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What does she do now?
Ainsley has chosen to trade full-time crime work to open Bless Your Arts, a market for local artisans to sell crafts and wares in Sweet River. She is dedicated to her business and cares deeply about the craftsmen that sell their goods in her shop. Ainsley has many interests and enjoys staying busy with her various hobbies, including fitness (but not sports).
Because she cannot deny her first love is crime solving, she accepts a position teaching a criminology class at the local community college. Her students are very eager to learn and get hands-on experience.
Ainsley also leads a local book club and hosts their meetings at her shop after-hours.
Who else is in Ainsley’s life?
Ainsley has a doodle named George, who is her trusty sidekick. George is a smart dog who knows how to sniff out trouble that may cause trouble for Ainsley. Since Ainsley is single, George plays a big role in protecting her and watching out for her safety.
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Ainsley’s best friend, Shannon, lives in Sweet Water as well. She runs a popular coffee shop in town and her husband, Michael, owns a local winery. Due to both of their busy schedules, they don’t always have time to connect. Shannon wishes that Ainsley didn’t work so much but understands how dedicated she is to her work.
Ainsley is a loyal friend, loves her dog, and is open to finding love. Sweet River’s fire chief, Jake Trenton is Rian’s best friend. He’s had a huge crush on Ainsley for many years and continues to pester Rian to give him permission to ask Ainsley out.
Where can I watch Ainsley McGregor Mysteries?
“A Case for the Winemaker” is the first installment in the Ainsley McGregor mysteries. To stream “A Case for the Winemaker” and so much more, subscribe to Great American Pure Flix. Not a member? Sign up for a free 7-day trial.