The new year is upon us, it’s important to reflect on ways in which we can improve and change our lives. That’s why we’ve put together some New Year’s Day quotes — Christian quotes that will inspire you to live right in 2025 and beyond.

Famous Christian Quotes For The New Year
The following Christian quotes for the new year offer famous quotes from Christian leaders and well-known personalities. Each of these timeless truths teaches us a valuable lesson worth pondering.
So, let’s dive in:
New Year, New You: Candace Cameron Bure
“My faith is just my life, it’s a part of it. It naturally flows from me and I feel like I’ve navigated my entire career differently than most people have. The goal for me isn’t necessarily the next project or making more money or being a bigger star. I’ve always chosen the things that are true to me and that I’ve wanted to do.” - Candace Cameron Bure
This religious new years quote from Candace Cameron Bure’s proclamation about her personal faith sends a powerful message to anyone looking for Christian quotes for any time of year. Being true to who God wants us to be is essential. Candace embodies that by continually incorporating her beliefs into everything she does, including her movies.
In Candace's movie, "Home Sweet Christmas," her character, Sophie Marlow goes on a journey back to her beloved uncle's maple sugar farm, a place where she has countless memories from growing up. Revisiting her old stomping grounds, and reconnecting with an old friend, reminds Sophie what truly matters, and to stay true to herself.
So, what better way to enter the new year than authentically? As you consider Christian quotes for the new year, be sure to keep this one in mind.
READ ALSO: How to Incorporate Christ in Your New Year's Resolutions
New Year’s Day: C.S. Lewis and Giving Your All to Christ
“The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is to hand over your whole self — all your wishes and precautions — to Christ.” - C.S. Lewis
This is one of the most famous Christian quotes from faith leaders and celebrities that will truly inspire and challenge you to reflect on your relationship with God. Surrendering your plans and ambitions to Christ can be difficult, but it is exactly what the Bible calls us to do as we walk in faith and trust His divine plan for our lives.
As you prepare your hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the New Year, remember to center them on Jesus Christ. Seek His guidance through prayer, dive into Scripture for wisdom, and trust in His timing. Building your goals on a foundation of faith is the best way to find true success, align yourself with God’s will, and ensure you’re on the right path spiritually and personally in the year ahead.
Read Also: 27 Christian Quotes from C.S. Lewis You'll Love
G.K. Chesterton: Refresh Your Soul
"The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul." - Gilbert K. Chesterton
Every new year is a chance to refresh our soul and renew our promises to God. It's a great time to reflect on the things we did well in the previous year, and how we can continue to be better disciples of God in the new year. G.K. Chesterton summed that up perfectly in this notable Christian quote.
The point being made in this New Year's quote is that it’s important to rethink where our hearts and minds stand. And January is the perfect time to pause and make this consideration. What needs to change in our lives? How can we renew our souls for Christ?
There are many other questions to ponder, but these will get us thinking even deeper.
Tim Tebow: 'Awards Come and Go'
“Trophies don’t last. Awards come and go. Impressive titles move from one person to the next. But fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves can make an eternal impact.” – Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow is widely recognized for his achievements on the football and baseball fields, but his true passion lies in serving others. From supporting orphans and advocating for individuals with special needs to aiding victims of human trafficking, Tebow’s actions embody a deep commitment to faith-driven service and compassion.
As you look ahead to 2025 and set your resolutions, take time to seek God’s guidance and reflect on ways you can incorporate service into your life. Consider how you can extend kindness and support to those in need, whether through volunteer work, community outreach, or simple acts of love. For more inspiration, check out the movie on Pure Flix, "5000 Blankets," which tells the touching story of young Phillip’s mission to help the less fortunate in his community and reminds us all of the power of faith and generosity.
New year, Same Jesus: Magic Johnson
"Through it all, I learned to trust in Jesus and I learned to trust in God!" – Magic Johnson
Sometimes, religious new year quotes come from famous people we might've never known were Christian. But, indeed Magic Johnson was raised Christian and talked about how his faith helped him through his HIV diagnosis. This quote from Magic Johnson is an essential reminder we could all use as we look to 2025. By placing your trust in Jesus, all things are possible.
Fittingly, Scott Beck -- once a NBA basketball hopeful -- in the Pure Flix Original movie "Nothing Is Impossible" learns this lesson himself. When he gets a second chance on the court, he has to learn to place his trust in Jesus and rely on God in order to achieve the goals he's always dreamed of.
Resilience & Perseverance: Danny Gokey
"If we're called to die and live unto God, you have to really let go of everything and say, 'God your will, not mine.'" - Danny Gokey
This quote from "American Idol" contestant and Christian singer Danny Gokey is a powerful reminder to turn to God in times of trouble. Gokey revealed how God helped him through the loss of his wife. If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one this New Year's, Gokey's story reminds us how we can find strength in God's grace.
Likewise, Will Brown in "Moonrise" is also mourning the loss of his wife, who tragically passed two years ago. He's pushed away his family, faith and music during this time. It's only when he looks to God for strength and mercy that he forgives himself and gives himself the grace to move forward. Will is able to take this religious new years quote into the next phase of his life as he remembers his late wife while living in the present and staying hopeful for the future.
Christian Quotes For the New Year: John Piper
“Be gutsy. Hold on to that grace. Say to the devil, ‘Don’t you dare rejoice over me. I’m coming out into the light. Sooner or later, God will hear my cry and I will walk out of this darkness.’” - John Piper
Sometimes, the most powerful Christian quotes challenge us to confront our struggles and embrace the life God calls us to live. This thought-provoking quote from John Piper reminds us to step out of the darkness by leaning on God and resisting the devil’s temptations. It’s a call to action for spiritual renewal and commitment.
As we step into the new year, you may find yourself carrying lingering challenges or struggles. This quote serves as a beacon of hope, urging us to rely on God’s strength to overcome trials and walk boldly into His light. It’s an invitation to start 2025 with a renewed sense of faith and purpose, leaving darkness behind and embracing the transformative power of God’s love and guidance.
New Year, New You: Greg Laurie
“As you get older, however, you become more seasoned and experienced, more careful and cautious. You’re less willing to take risks. That can be good, because you’ve learned from experience. But that also can be bad, because you’re not willing to let the Lord do something fresh and new in your life.” - Greg Laurie
Pastor Greg Laurie offers a profound reminder about balancing caution with faith: as we grow older, it’s natural to become more careful, but it’s equally important to trust God and remain open to the fresh, new experiences He has planned for us. By stepping out in faith, we create space for God’s transformative work in our lives.
As we embrace the start of a new year, this Christian New Year quote encourages us to reflect on how we can rely on God’s guidance while remaining open to His plans. Through consistent prayer and intentional scripture reading, we can ensure our lives align with His will — the ultimate path to purpose, peace, and spiritual fulfillment in 2025 and beyond.
READ ALSO: 17 Bible Verses About A New Beginning For The New Year
Happy New Year Quotes: Candace Cameron Bure
“I prayed that day when literally the lightbulb went off in my head. I prayed, ‘God, please do not let this fire ever go out from under me.’” - Candace Cameron Bure
Candace Cameron Bure shared a powerful reflection on her faith journey, offering a prayer to God to sustain the “fire” she felt when she first came to know Him. This heartfelt desire to keep her faith vibrant and alive serves as an inspiring reminder for all of us as we enter a new year. Perhaps this same prayer resonates with you as you consider your own spiritual goals and the steps needed to embody the “New Year, new you” mantra.
Don’t hesitate to ask God to reignite or sustain that flame in your heart. Through prayer and intentional time spent with Him, you can cultivate a deeper, more enduring relationship with the Lord, allowing His light to shine brightly in every area of your life.
Jonathan Edwards: A Simple New Year's Resolution
Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will. – Jonathan Edwards
Theologian Jonathan Edwards sums up a new year's resolution rather simply: live for God. It doesn't matter who doesn't join us in doing, so, but only that we continually chose to do so every day. Let us remember Edwards' notable new years quote as we enter 2025 to live for God and chose daily to do His will.
New Year, New You: Christine Caine
"Freedom is not a personality type, freedom is a blood type. It's the blood of Jesus Christ. It sets people free." - Christine Caine
Are you looking for freedom in the New Year? This is one of the famous quotes from Christian leaders that should be top of mind. Caine’s point is that we can be set free when we place our hope in Christ. If you’re struggling, consider a relationship with Christ.
Happy New Year Quotes: C.S. Lewis
“Jesus Christ did not say, ‘Go into all the world and tell the world that it is quite right.’” - C.S. Lewis
Lewis makes another important point about our quest as Christians to share God’s word. This is one of the most convicting Christian New Year quotes that inspire us to speak out about our faith and to encourage others to find saving grace in Jesus Christ.
As we move further past New Year’s Day, don’t hesitate to stop and consider the importance of helping others recognize their need for Christ.
Christian New Year Quotes: Greg Laurie
“Will you prepare room for Jesus right now? Will you ask Him to come into your life? He’ll forgive you of your sin and take residence in your heart. He’ll give you the meaning and purpose in life that you’ve been looking for.” - Greg Laurie
There are many famous quotes from Christian leaders, but the ones that hold the most power are those that explicitly call us to turn our lives over to the Almighty. This is one of those quotes.
Happy New Year quotes many times focus on bettering the self, but there is no more definitive way to do that than to turn to Jesus and ask Him to transform our hearts and lives. If you’re looking for purpose and meaning in the New Year, this is essential to follow.
Christian Quotes: Rick Warren
“While you’re waiting on God to fulfill a dream or answer a prayer, He wants you to focus on what He’s told you in his Word.” - Rick Warren
This quote from Rick Warren offers an important reminder: We need to be turning to scripture for answers in our lives. It’s common to feel lost and to be searching for answers — and many of us are on a “New Year, new you” quest at the start of each year.
Warren’s advice is sound and can help us. It’s one of the Happy New Year’s quotes worth not only pondering but also living out.
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